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Posted on Apr 19, 2022

10 Symptoms in Women that Can Be Cancer

A woman’s life is complicated. It is associated with huge social responsibilities and many may be additionally burdened with professional commitments as well. It is important that women are well aware of their health conditions and are aware of any signs and symptoms that may indicate a major health complication such as cancer. Ignoring the signs may just complicate the health more. Given below are some of the common aspects that all women should be aware of , after all timely detection and right treatment is best for all.

  • Breast Changes: Breast changes in the form of lump, change in size, shape and colour of skin , nipple discharge specially bloody discharge, scaling or flaking of nipple or dimpling of skin over breast can be signs of underlying cancer of breast.
  • Irregular Bleeding: Irregular bleeding per vaginal specially post menopausal, or unusual bleeding outside mensturation, heavy period etc may indicate underlying genital cancer.


Cancers Symptoms in Women

  • Rectal Bleeding: Any bleeding per rectum is abnormal and should be investigated to rule out rectal and colonic cancers.
  • Discharge: Foul smelling vaginal discharge with or without bleeding can be a sign of underlying cervix cancer.
  • Bloating: Bloating, early satiety, change in bowel or bladder habits and low back pain can be sign of ovarian cancer especially if you have more than one symptom for more than 2 weeks.
  • Unexplained Weight Gain or Loss: More than 10 pounds of loss of weight which is unexplained by any disease can be sign of underlying cancer.  Increased unexplained sudden weight gain can be due to fluid accumulation in peritoneal cavity due to cancer.
  • Persistent Cough: More than 2 to 3 weeks of persistent cough not attributable to any cause which can be accompanied by blood should be investigated for lung cancer.
  • Changes in Lymph Nodes: any hard nodal masses in neck or underarm can be indicative of an underlying cancer.
  • Fatigue: It can be defined as extreme tiredness that does not get better with rest . Unexplained fatigue can be linked to underlying stomach or colon cancer.
  • Skin Changes: Moles , pigmentation , non healing ulcers can be because of skin cancer.

If you have any of above mentioned symptoms then you should get yourself examined by a qualified doctor to rule out cancer. Although having these symptoms does not always  mean you are having cancer but they can in a percentage of people linked to the underlying cancer.