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Posted on Apr 19, 2022
Stigma is a social construct which means a mark of disgrace. If human brain identifies a thing or an event as having negative impact, it has a tendency to withdraw from it. This biological response takes on a behavioural connotation in terms to negative attitude towards a certain entity/group or place. AIDS has been identified as such a negative entity because of the associated fear of an untreatable illness with huge morbidity and economic cost. The social attitude towards those suffering from AIDS is thus a result of an underlying social phobia of contracting an un treatable illness. There are also a number of myths associated with mode of transmission of HIV which, despite a lot of positive media intervention continues to persist due to negative and often false messages spreading on social media.
Dealing with Stigma as an individual disease-
Dealing with stigma as a social disease-
The AIDS related Anxiety Disorder has escalated in past few years and needs to be treated like any other hypochondriasis. The health professionals need to be sensitized so that repetitive unnecessary tests can be avoided and the psychiatric problem is treated.
HIV infection can be largely contained now with available antiviral medication. Patients with suspected infection need to be guided and supported so that they can take help.