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Posted on Apr 19, 2022

Baby Immunization Schedule

Vaccination is the method of administration of antigenic material (vaccine) to stimulate an individual’s immune system against that pathogens. Vaccination is the most effective method of preventing infectious diseases. Vaccination is completely safe for children except for some minor side effects like fever and pain which can be easily tackled by giving paracetamol. Strict adherence to vaccination schedule has to be followed by parents for proper effect of primary dose and its boosters.

Many fatal diseases can now be prevented by vaccination and proper compliance by parents has helped in eradicating some diseases from India like small pox and polio. Incidence of many fatal illnesses has come down these days due to proper vaccination of children. Soon we will be having vaccines for dengue, malaria and many other deadly diseases. Vaccination is equally important in some selected adults like influenza and pneumococcal vaccines in elderly people and tetanus vaccine in pregnant females. Below is the latest immunization schedule as per Indian Academy of Pediatrics to be followed in Indian settings.

Baby Immunization

Schedule of Immunisation as recommended by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics:

  1. IAP recommended vaccines for routine use

immunization 1immunization 2immunization 3immunization 4immunization 5

Points to Remember:

  • As soon as your child is born , discuss with your neonatologist the plan of action for immunisation.
  • Note that you don’t have to spend extra fo the vaccines. The Government of India also provides free vaccines in the public hospitals. You can choose private hospitals or clinics as per your convenience.
  • Do not miss the shot schedule. Follow it like a bible. Note that if you miss the same you are endangering the life of your child.
  • Be free to question your doctor about the side effects of each vaccine
  • Please note that vaccines are good for your baby and her/his future. Don’t doubt their efficacy. They have been introduced after numerous clinical trials. Immunise you child and secure their future.