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Posted on Apr 19, 2022
Obesity is an increasingly prevalent metabolic disorder affecting not only the developed countries but also the developing countries like India. Its prevalence is also increasing in children and adolescents group. Apart from hereditary or genetic cause, environmental contributions are playing a big role e.g.. increased intake of junk foods/ fast foods and reduced exercise habits.
Obesity is defined as BMI ( Body Mass Index) of a person more than 30kg/m2. It is calculated as body weight in kg / height in m2. BMI within the range of 25 -30 kg/m2 are called overweight.
Obesity and associated co morbidities:
Obesity itself and increased incidence of other covariates like hypertension, dyslipidemia( increased LDL or bad cholesterol and decreased HDL or good cholesterol), insulin dependent as well as insulin resistant diabetes mellitus are responsible for coronary artery disease or more specifically chest pain and heart attack. Also obesity is one of the comorbidity for heart failure. Obesity is not only responsible for heart diseases but it is also a negative risk factor affecting faster recovery from heart surgeries particularly delayed wound healing etc.
Prevent Obesity :