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Posted on Apr 19, 2022

How does covid-19 affect diabetes patients - diabetes during COVID

If you are diabetic or know someone who has diabetes during COVID, the question how does covid-19 affect diabetes patients, must be at the top of your mind. A person who has COVID and diabetes, is said to have a comorbidity. Expert doctors suggest and evidence from diabetic patients shows that the impact of covid 19 on diabetic patients is worse than the impact on people who do not have diabetes for a number of reasons.

how does covid-19 affect diabetes patients

How does covid-19 affect diabetes patients, A person who has COVID and diabetes, is said to have a comorbidity. Expert doctors suggest and evidence from diabetic patients shows that the impact of COVID-19 on diabetic patients is worse than the impact on people who do not have diabetes for a number of reasons.

If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, your chances of contracting the virus is not higher than anyone who doesn’t have diabetes is. However, if you have COVID and diabetes your symptoms are likely to be much worse. You’re likely to suffer complications and are more likely to have to go to the hospital than people who do not have diabetes. The impact of covid 19 on diabetic patients are likely to be even worse if the diabetes is uncontrolled. If you have another condition along with diabetes, such as heart disease or a lung condition, then having diabetes during COVID will be even worse for you.

How does COVID-19 affect diabetes patients so badly? It’s because Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition that disrupts the immune system from functioning properly. As the immune system of Type 1 diabetics is already weakened, the impact of COVID 19 on diabetic patients is much worse. Their bodies cannot fight back against the virus as the bodies of people who do not have diabetes can. With Type 2 diabetes during COVID, their immune system is also weakened, plus the virus seems to be more effective in an environment with higher blood glucose levels, which makes the body heal slower.

Therefore, if you have COVID and diabetes, it is best to get tested as soon as you suspect you may have COVID-19 symptoms. If your COVID-19 test result comes back positive, it’s imperative you tell your doctor immediately.

If you have diabetes and currently have COVID-19 or know someone who does, then following the right post-COVID care for diabetic patients is important. Due to the symptoms and effects of COVID-19, those with diabetes who contract COVID-19 could lose weight or have unprecedented higher or lower glucose levels. As diabetic patients recover from COVID-19, they must be in constant contact with a doctor. Medication, blood glucose testing, and fluctuation in glucose levels will all have to be monitored closely to ensure that there are no short-term or long-term complications. Your usual glucose testing times, the food you eat, and the exercise you do may have to change. It is risky to continue doing the same without knowing the effects it could have on your post-COVID body. The quality of post-COVID care for diabetic patients can affect their health in the long term.

For more about post-COVID care for diabetic patients, and how COVID 19 affects diabetic patients, check out our other blogs and website.

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