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Posted on Apr 19, 2022
Blood donation does not have any major side effect but there are several benefits. Blood donation improves heart health; reduces the cancer risk and burns calories. Regular blood donation reduces the level of iron in the blood which can reduce the chance of heart attack by 88% and stroke by 33%. Iron is also believed to increase the free radical damage in the body which increases the free- radical damage in the body which increases the risk of cancer and aging. Blood donation helps in burning calories when even a pint of blood is donated.
When is the blood restored?
Plasma fraction of blood which is donated is usually restored within 72 hours of blood donation. However, replacement of red blood cells usually takes 4 to 6 week time. The patient may experience transient side effect like nausea, lightheadedness, weakness and tingling sensation in lips but this effect usually subsided after taking plenty of fluids and drinks.
Aspects of an ideal donor:
The ideal donor should be in between the age of 16 to 50 years old and free of chronic illness and donors should not be on drugs like antihypertensive and antiplatelet.
Important Points for Donors: