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Posted on Apr 19, 2022
Certain thyroid disorders like lump in the thyroid gland (thyroid nodule) and thyroid hormone excess (Hyperthyroidism) requires imaging evaluation which helps in indentifying the cause of problem and guides further course of treatment in a patient. Thee imaging tests are important to know the location of the disease and it the issue can led to other complications in the body or not. Following are few of the tests that are needed to diagnose thyroid disease.
What do the tests show? How are the imaging reports interpreted to highlight thyroid issues?
A high uptake of radio-isotope indicates that thyroid gland is producing excess of thyroid hormones. The most likely cause is either Graves’ disease or hyper functioning nodules (hot nodules).
Cold nodules are non-functioning and appear as defects or holes in the scan. Hot nodules are almost always noncancerous, but a few cold nodules are cancerous.
Sometimes, patient may have a thyroid scan as part of a radioactive iodine uptake test. In that case, the orally administered radioactive iodine is used to image thyroid gland.