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Posted on Apr 19, 2022

Infertility- Stress Could Be the Cause

Have you been trying to have kids for a long time? Is inability and delay giving you sleepless nights?  It is important to know that Stress alone is a major factor for infertility.

Infertility Treatment

Can Stress Have an Effect on Your Fertility?

If your mind and body is under stress your body is signaled to release a hormone – Adrenalin. This is a stress relieving hormone and gives your body the rush to face the stress. This hormone inhibits the utilization of the hormone Progesterone, which is essential for fertility. Also during stress Prolactin, another hormone, is relapsed which also interferes with infertility. Hence to conceive its essential that your anxiety levels are under control.

Chronic Stress also decreases libido:

Chronic stress may cause lack of libido as well as a decrease in general fertility. This has become such a common issue that they have created a name for it Stress Induced Reproductive Dysfunction. These facts are very important to consider if you have been trying to conceive with no results. It also shows that stress relief should be a part of every couple’s conception plan even if they are going through IVF.

Ways to reduce stress & improve fertility:

If you are having difficulty to conceive, it’s imperative that you get fertility tests done and also evaluate your life. Look out for the stress points that may be hindering a relationship. Remember defeating the stress may be the solution to your worries.

  • Reduce stress in your life: The issues in your life may be work or result related. You need to learn to balance your personal and professional life. The sooner you do it the better; after all you are preparing yourself to welcome a new born in your life.
  • Change your reactions: Get a hang of the situation and react accordingly. Over reaction to a situation can harm your body and mind. Stop bothering so much about the future.
  • Let few things be the way they are: Stop getting bothered about people. Remember by nature everything will fall in place. Let few things be the way they are.
  • Make it your habit to reduce stress: Call it an obsession or a practice, train your mind to choose options where there is less stress.
  • Sleep well: A good rest is essential for a healthy mind and body. Meditate, do yoga or seek counseling. Go for facials if it sooths you.

Please note that if your fertility reports are normal, then it’s just a matter of time. Give you, your partner and your body time. There are certain medical complications or disorders that can also be responsible for infertility. Be calm and composed so that you are able to face the rough waters clearly with your partner.