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Posted on Apr 19, 2022
Insomnia is a major issue that many people in the urban areas face today. It can be chronic as well as acute depending on the severity ad longetivity. Chronic sleep deprivation can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness, weight loss or weight gain. It also affects the cognitive functioning of the body.
How can Insomnia affect You?
Sleep deprivation may decrease the production of certain cytokines that are needed to increase in case if an event of inflammation or stress. These are proteins that are secreted by the immune system that play a role in regulating the immunity and inflammation.
A weak immune system can make you contract respiratory diseases such as common cold and influenza.
Sleep deprivation can make your body release more insulin after you eat, promoting fat storage and increasing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Lack of sleep increases the production of stress hormone cortisol and decreases the levels of hormone leptin – which is responsible for giving signals of satiety to the brain.
Sleep deprivation also causes increase in body weight. This subsequently increases your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.
Sleep deprivation interferes with your cognitive abilities. It interferes with your concentration and can impair memory, decision making and creativity. The sleep deprived are most likely to have hallucinations and mood swings.
Sleep deprived men and women report less interest in sex. This can affect your personal relationships.
Habits to Sleep Well: