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Posted on Apr 19, 2022

Is Dengue Fatal?

Dengue syndrome is caused by an aebovirus and transmitted by aides aegypti and aides albopictus mosquitoes. It has an array of manifestatious, ranging from being asymptomatic to a hemorrhagic variation leading to shock and is somes cases death. The last three decades has seen a rise in global incidence of the dengue and increase is the occurrence of its severe complications.India and many of its neighboring countries like Bangladesh, Maldives, Srilanka, Myanmar, etc still are hyper endemic for the disease. The fatal manifest stations of dengue have been associated with a number of factors. Some people have been shown to have genetic factors that show increased severity of its manifestations.

Signs of Dengue Fever

Some studies also suggest that white race and the female gender show more susceptibility to hemorrhagic symptoms. Dengue virus has four types DENV-1,2,3 & 4 .The sequence of infection with these viruses are known to affect the severity of the disease. Infection with any one serotype gives life-long immunity to that particular virus serotype. The first infection sensitizes the system of the patient with the virus and makes them immune to the responses.

Signs & Symptoms associated with Dengue: 

  • Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is characterized by features of plasma-leaking, fluid accumulation, respiratory distress, internal and external bleeding and so on.
  • It is further characterized by organ impairment if left untreated.
  • When a critical volume of plasma has been lost in the leakage phase. Then it leads to dengue shock syndrome and consequently in some cases to deat.
  • Severe abdominal pain, bleeding, gums, petechie on skin, vomiting (sometimes accompanied by blood vomits), respiratory distress are some of its clinical features.
  • This is the critical phase and if treatment is adequate & timely, patients recover in next 48-72 hours.
