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Posted on Apr 19, 2022

Men's Health – Are You Ignoring Your Health?

Men have traditionally been considered the stronger sex and this image is a result of the physical appearance and aggressive behavior that define masculinity. Research shows that Men are the weaker sex in most aspects and the life span of a man is 3-5 years less than that of women. This comes as a surprise to most men but research shows that men are less healthy and easily fall prey to lifestyle diseases. The reasons are many fold.

Issues that have an effect on Men’s Health:

  • Men are genetically weaker compared to women and the added burdens and stresses make them more vulnerable.
  • Men have a high risk taking behavior and are more exposed to environmental hazards in the form of road traffic accidents, risky occupation and substance abuse.
  • Depression is very common in men and they do not have a social circle to go out and talk about it.
  • Most men shy away from talking about their problems because they feel that it will cause a bad impact on their status, image and profession.
  • Research says that men go to the doctor when it is too late and the health problem has become really pressing.
  • Men fail to talk about their sexual health also and undergo unnecessary pain and suffering. In our country men are suffering in silence and there is no men’s health specialist that they can go to.

Men’s Health Issues

Talk to Experts:

There are very few formally trained Men’s Health Experts in India and most of the times men are being catered to by quacks. It is a need of the hour to recognize the health issues that affect men and provide service that caters to their need.

If you or your loved one is suffering from any disease please do refer him to a specialist Men’s Health Clinic that specializes in lifestyle diseases, sexual and andrological problems and screening for men.