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Posted on Apr 19, 2022


Obesity is preventable though awareness is of prime importance. Let’s all examine our diet & our daily routine so that we can keep ourselves healthy.

According to a study, overall prevalence of generalized obesity in North India is around 50%, while that of abdominal obesity was 68.9%. It appears clear to us that problem of overnight and obesity are no longer limited to the urban population.

The strong association of obesity with Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and some cancers necessitates the importance of prevention & control of obesity. The risk of diseases is directly associated with increase in according to obesity as per the clinicians. It can involve almost every organ of body. Primary goal of therapy is improving obesity related co-morbid conditions and reducing the risk of developing future Co-Morbidities.

Prevention of obesity should begin in early childhood. Obesity is harder to treat in adults than it is in children. 3 key parameters are important to evaluate the degree of obesity – weight, height and waist circumference.

  • If BMI is less than 18.5 kg/metre square , points towards being underweight
  • Healthy weight is considered if the BMI is between 18.5 to 24.9 kg/metre square
  • Overweight BMI falls under 25-29.9kg/metre square
  • Obesity

Class  I:   30-34.9kg/metre square

Class II:   35-39.9kg/metre square

 Class III:  > 40 (Extreme obesity) kg/metre square

With Obesity, there is an increase in the risk factors like (to name a few)

  • Sleep Apnea & Snoring
  • Lung Disease – Asthma, pulmonary & blood Clots
  • Liver : Fatty Liver Disease
  • Gall Bladder Stones
  • Stroke
  • Heart Diseases
  • Pancreatitis
  • Arthritis & Gout
  • Female Disorders – Periods Irregularities and Infertility

BARIATRIC SURGERY: Factors like Patients risk status, expectations and available resources decide the modality of treatment of obesity. Surgery (BARIATRIC) has definite role if BMI is more than 35 without co-morbidity or more than 30 with associated co-morbidities. Rapid improvement in diabetes is noted after bariatric surgery. Technique and type of bariatric is decided according to patient’s BMI and requirements. Surgery is done by laparoscopy (Minimally invasive) and hospital stay is 2-3 days. Micronutrients supplements are definitely required &after bariatric surgery which includesVitamin B12, Iron, Folate, Calcium and Vitamin D.

Also prevention is always better than treatment.