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Posted on Apr 19, 2022
Dengue is caused by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito (Tiger Mosquito).The primary preventive measure is the control of mosquito population. As the transmission of dengue requires mosquitoes as a vector, the spread can be limited by reducing the mosquito population. One important environmental management strategy is to eliminate unnecessary container habitat that collects water. You need to curb the placement of empty jars, etc that can collect water and lead to the breeding of mosquitoes. Example are- Plastic jars, Bottles, Cans, Tyres, Bucket, Coconut Coverings, Cooler. These are the common habitats where Aedes agyptilah lays its eggs. Hence the best strategy is local source reduction. When container habitats are removed and water storage containers are covered with fine mesh, mosquitoes have limited, opportunity to lay eggs.
Some tips to control the Dengue outbreak: