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Posted on Apr 19, 2022
To combat the rising evil of Osteoporosis, we need to be prepared. One needs to start early and ensure that certain aspects are an everyday routine to ensure that we are – Bone Healthy. The goal of a bone healthy diet and lifestyle changes as per the age. In the children it’s about building maximum peak mass, in the adults it is about maintaining the healthy bones and avoiding premature bone loss. In the old age, it is about sustaining mobility and independence by avoiding fractures.
Six Preventive Measures for Osteoporosis
To combat the rising evil of Osteoporosis, we need to be prepared. One needs to start early and ensure that certain aspects are an everyday routine to ensure that we are – Bone Healthy. The goal of a bone healthy diet and lifestyle changes as per the age. In the children it’s about building maximum peak mass, in the adults it is about maintaining the healthy bones and avoiding premature bone loss. In the old age, it is about sustaining mobility and independence by avoiding fractures.
The 6 preventive measures for Osteoporosis are:
Consult your doctor and opt for tests:
It is recommended that you consult a doctor on regular intervals if you feel any discomfort in the wrists, knees, legs and ankles.
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