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Posted on Apr 19, 2022
Consult a doctor if you have any of the following signs and symptoms:
Fevers generally go away within a few days. A number of over-the-counter medications lower a fever, but sometimes it’s better left untreated. Fever plays a key important role in helping your body fight off a number of infections. A fever is a temporary increase in your body temperature often due to an illness. Having a fever is a sign that something out of the ordinary is going on in your body. To regularly check your or your child’s temperature you can choose from several types of thermometers, added oral, rectal, ear tympanic and forehead temporal artery thermometers. Fevers by themselves may not be a cause for alarm or a reason to call a physician. There are a few circumstances when you should seek medical advice for your baby, your child or yourself. Depending on what’s causing your fever, additional fever signs and symptoms may include:
Signs and Symptoms in Adults that need medical assistance:
Contact a physician if your temperature is 103 F (39.4 C) or more. Seek immediate medical attention if there are any signs or symptoms accompanies a fever:
Signs and Symptoms in children that need medical assistance:
There is probably no reason for alarm if the child has a fever and is responsive, making eye contact with you and responding to your facial expressions and to your voice and is drinking fluids and playing.