Dr. (Col.) Ranga Rao has a vast experience of more than 30 years is the field of Medical Oncology. His areas of specialty are Cancer of Lung, Pleura, Breast, Ovarian, Cervical, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Colon, Rectum, Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas, Bone, Skin, Lymphomas of all types, Brain Tumors, Kidney, Urinary Bladder, Prostrate, Head and Neck. He has established and strengthened the various cancer centers and departments with evidence based compassionate oncological care, strong academics, SOPs and brought up each department with utmost care and expertise. He conducted several research projects and has many national and international publications, posters to his credit.

He has been awarded with numerous prestigious academic awards and to name a few; ‘Vishisht Seva Medal’ by President of India for meritorious and distinguished service rendered in Armed Forces.