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Posted on Apr 19, 2022

Treatment and Prevention of Asthma

Treatment of asthma

Traditional treatment

We often use the controller medication for the treatment of asthma. The inhaled corticosteroids assist in reducing inflammation of lungs, 1 of the reasons for asthma cough.  Unlike the oral corticosteroids that are used for short duration during the severe flare-ups these are taken on a long run basis.

Doctors usually prescribe handy quick-relief inhalers for coughing & wheezing flare-ups. Most of such treatments fall into a class of short-acting beta-antagonists. The quick-relief inhalers are usually meant to be used once or twice in a week. Our doctor can also suggest them to be used before exercise, or even during illness. Visit a doctor if you think that you are relying on the quick-relief inhalers very often than it was recommended. Long-run oral medicines like leukotriene modifiers can also relieve the asthma cough. Singulair (montelukast) is 1 such drug. Leukotriene modifiers function by treating the symptoms of asthma relevant to allergic rhinitis.

Alternative treatment of asthma

Alternative treatment can assist the asthmatic cough, however, they are the complementary treatments. Do not stop the prescription medicines for a homeopathy medicine. Do consult a doctor if the following options can help the asthma cough:

  • Acupuncture
  • Hypnosis
  • Herbs, like gingko and dried ivy
  • Meditation

Prevention of asthma

Besides treatment, we can help reduce the incidence of asthma cough using a few lifestyle changes. I.e. placing humidifier in our rooms can assist ease the night coughs. We may also have to restrict outdoor activities, when the quality of air is poor.

A very important tool of prevention is to identify our asthma triggers. We shall avoid triggers and irritants that may worsen our cough. They may include:-

  • Cigarette smoke
  • Cold air
  • Chemicals & cleaners
  • Changes in weather
  • Dust
  • Mold
  • Low humidity
  • Pollen
  • Viral infections
  • Pet dander

If allergies worsen our asthma, we may need to seek prevention from & treat the allergen exposure before our symptoms of asthma get better.